Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Okay, here's my second post.  Today our parish started testing the second grade classes for gifted.  From the questions that I heard, some of my students should be able to pass this portion of the test.  With this, midyear assessments, and DIBELS progress monitoring all this week, I am exhausted.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hi, I'm new to blogging, but not to teaching.  I have enjoyed teaching since 1989.  Today as I was driving to work, I started thinking about how it looks like winter outside.  Then I remembered that I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt.  Gotta love Southern Louisiana!

While the new Common Core has a lot of people uneasy, I feel as though the bloggers that I've been following have helped me to remain calm, cool, and collected.  I enjoy reading how other teachers spend the day in and out of their classrooms.

My next thought is how much I'm enjoying my students this year.  They LOVE to learn. The other day I told them that it was time for math and they cheered!  Today six of them came inside at recess.  Three of them came to read (so "I can reach my AR goal").  The others played on the computers or iPods.  I've gotten two notes recently from parents about how much their children are learning this year so I guess I'm doing something right.
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